Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2016-01-25 17:21:20 UTC
I think it would be a great idea. The car is a symbol of the white man and his exploitation system. Yeah, I think the car is a racket, not a convenience or a symbol of freedom. The horse and the bicycle are a symbol of freedom. You want to be a big chief?
The Indians are dying young of white man disease, namely obesity and diabetes, depression, alcoholism and junk food. The horse and the bicycle are the perfect vehicles of liberation.
I know, I know, you may say I'm a dreamer...
"The jungle has never been this much fun!"
The Indians are dying young of white man disease, namely obesity and diabetes, depression, alcoholism and junk food. The horse and the bicycle are the perfect vehicles of liberation.
I know, I know, you may say I'm a dreamer...
"The jungle has never been this much fun!"