More people means more traffic jams
(too old to reply)
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2016-05-09 00:54:44 UTC
On Sun, 08 May 2016 17:23:07 -0500, Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 7 May 2016 22:49:33 -0700 (PDT), "Wise TibetanMonkey, Most
more prople means congestions
all cities shoyluld be designed in
octogan shape so that
mass transit systems have 8 directions
Yes, the octagon is smarter investment than the Pentagon. ?
Americans don't like public transportation though.
How would we ever know if we "liked" public transportation?
The only "Public Transportation" we've ever seen has pretty much been
determined by some conglomerate of "private sector" monkeying about
with high profit short line RR and bus routes.
AND trust me.. My wife and I tried the "new and improved" Greyhound
bus to NYC and back from Virginia and it was torture - no leg room at
all, hot as blazes, and hours behind the schedules, we missed our
(paid for) connecting link by four hours, and only caught the last 15
minutes of the birthday party we went for, by walking for the last
mile or so.
Ever tried to get a refund for the "unuesed portion of the trip?" It
can be done - but not unless you are willing to dicker with them for 6
months or more.
My Greyhound horror story was when I went to my niece's wedding in
I can't fly because of a lung condition and pressurisation to a
virtual 9,000 feet "altitude" has too little oxygen for me.
I could have gone one way via Amtrak, not the other, because there
wasn't an Amtrak connecting bus at Flagstaff for passengers dropped
off in the middle of the night.
I didn't want to drive, so I went by Greyhound.
I checked a suitcase, containing all the clothes I needed, including a
suit, all my toiletries, shaving gear, etc.
But when I got to Phoenix, the suitcase hadn't arrived.
My BIL drove me to some stores to get something to wear, shave with,
brush my teeth with, etc.
They called me twenty minutes before the wedding, to tell me it had
arrived and I could collect it.
Yeah, right.
Instead I collected it the day after, and immediately re-checked it
for my ride home.
And exactly the same thing happened.
It arrived about two days after I did, and they shipped it by courier
to where I was living.
That seems to be the theme.
Individually, we are just fodder for the corprate being.
They already have a "public transportation system" but ain't nobody
seems to want it to work.
playing fast and loose with the vernacular...
I loved being cramped into a shoe box "roomette."
So it wasn't roomy, it wasn't much of anything, but it did keep us
"rich white folk" from enduring what passed for civil behavior in
"Coach" class.
Yet fifty years ago I rode "coach" and wouldn't have any gripes at
all. Pleasant company, considerate company, and more often than not,
something I could learn.
Today (I will die before I go "coach") Lot's of ethnicity
"protected" bullshit as far as I can tell.
I wish it were different. Everyone can teach me something - if only I
can listen.
But I have no time for fools... and the brainwashed
Now in my youth... my buddy and I would get by the bus station in
Yonkers at 7 AM, ride down to the subway station at 242nd street, get
aboard and ride to "Far Rockaway" and lay on the beach and go home
about 4 PM.
fuck you roman cathoiic bull shit church - I learned to love from a
woman who also had grown up in your BS idiocy.
We are free of you
(smarmy idiot, control freek, religions)
Using public transportation on a daily basis can ruin your day or get you fired. When I'm taking more than one bus I help myself with my bike. I must congratulate them for providing racks on the bus because otherwise it would be completely dysfunctional.

The Right sees public transportation as a waste of taxpayers money. Funny the military doesn't get the same mistrust.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2016-05-09 16:33:36 UTC
On Sun, 8 May 2016 21:29:34 -0700 (PDT), "Wise TibetanMonkey, Most
Time for flying cars then ......... or something like them.
Hey, I kind of liked the big glass tubes from "Futurama" :-)
Hmmm .... drones ..... big drones. Take the idea of the
self-driving car and put the software into drones large
enough to carry half a dozen people or more. A lot fewer
incidental obstacles in the air too, the software could
perform exceptionally well. This is MUCH better than
expecting humans to pilot the things.
They could even be "rent-a-drones" ... picks people
up, leaves them wherever, next group uses a phone
app to summon and pay for a different ride.
A six or eight motor drone has a good redundancy
factor and would be safer than a helicopter. It'd
also not have the big blade of a helicopter and
could land in a smaller space.
So, IMHO, the "flying shuttle bus" is the ideal way to
use the third dimension to ease street-level congestion.
Since Jesus is coming soon he's expected to provide his followers with wings. Problem solved. ?
I'd like to see that. Half of the MFrs cannot walk without blundering
into something and/or each other. Be a real trip on wings.
Beware of those church ladies in Toyotas! 🐑
first it was suvs, now toyotas? what if they made toyota bicycles, would you change your mind?
Church ladies tend not to drive SUVs... Pay attention how many drive Toyotas! Toyota is the car for the sheep. No fun, just the myth of being reliable.
If they rode bicycles, the world would be a much safer place. 👍
what about segways? you got something against them too?
"Two wheel good, four wheel bad"

We are not a quadruped, right? 😉
